FAB 100 - The Golden Circle

Golden Circle day tour from Reykjavik covers some of the “must see” places in Ice­land.

About the tour
Golden Circle day tour from Reykjavik covers some of the “must see” places in Ice­land. The best nature you have ever seen, ranging from lava fields, waterfalls and geysers to hot springs and craters.
The tour starts by heading to Þingvellir National Park a place of dramatic landscape, cultural and historical importance. UNESCO World Heritage site, a key location in Icelandic history as the oldest existing parliament in the world first assembled there. Surrounded by pristine waterways rift between the Eurasian and North American tec­tonic plates makes this a truly majestic place.
Vibrant colors, bubbling mud pools and erupting hot springs a nature phenomenon that awaits you at Geysir geothermal area. Watching as the geyser Strokkur goes off every few minutes is an exciting sight to behold. All geysers around the world are named after Geysir the first known geyser to modern Europeans.
The highlight of the day tour is Gullfoss waterfall or The Golden Falls with a 32 meter drop of glacial water offers an up close experience and magnificent spectacle that you will never forget.
During this tour we also stop at Hveragerði and Faxi waterfall. This tour is full of sur­prises so don’t forget to bring your cameras and be ready for unexpected.