Contribute to nature – Offset your carbon footprint

From now on we will offer our passengers to contribute to nature for their bus travel in Iceland. 


In cooperation with Brand-IT design Akureyri, we have made t-shirts and reusable shopping Bags with the tagline:

“I contribute to nature - by planting a tree for my ride in Iceland.”


All year round you can contribute by purchasing these items on our websites and we use the income to buy more trees to plant.

In the nearest future you will be able to buy t-shirts or shopping Bags at the same time you book your tour.


This project is a large part of the company´s policy to show travellers, customers and others around the globe that we do care for the environment.


Wear it - Use it - and let people know on social media, that you also care about the environment.


Hashtag: #icontributetonatureiceland

Other hastags: #igtoursiceland, #fabtraveliceland, #whitearcticiceland.


White Arctic and its subsidiary companies; FAB Travel and Iceland Guided Tours, operate group coaches. Such activities may adversely affect the environment. The company is aware of these effects and has set clear criteria to minimize these as much as possible by taking action measures.


These three companies released 170 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by the use of their vehicles in 2018. As a counter-action a decision was made to plant 6.000 - 10.000 plants each year at our farm in the North West. For every single trip we take, we plant a number of trees.


In special tours from May - September each year we will offer our passengers to contribute by planting  some trees them self. Our hope is that it will enhance your positive experience in our beautiful Icelandic nature.