Google street view map launched.

Northern Lights in Iceland. Google car missed them
Northern Lights in Iceland. Google car missed them
The website Google Maps has launched Street View-section of the site for view around Iceland, but Google camera cars took pictures in the country this summer.

The website Google Maps has launched Street View-section of the site for view around Iceland, but Google camera cars took pictures in the country this summer.

 You can view the streets and houses in Reykjavik, Akureyri, Isafjordur, Egilsstaðir widely than 360° cars took the photographs that you can "ride" on.

 To activate Street View modes in Google Maps need to enter the name of the place that needs to view, and then drag the yellow man from the left corner on the map.

 Faces are blurred pedestrian but many have shared images of themselves on social media today where Google cars have gained from the picture

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